Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am Here...and still giving it my all!!!

So it's been a while since I've posted. But... I finished my 30-day challenge and I got the t-shirt, the free month of unlimited Bikram yoga, and peace of mind. I was going for the 60 day challenge but I think I got burnt out. I needed to let my body rest. And when I went to NC, they had a wonderful studio there that I practiced at and I took a few days off as well.

When I got back home, I was eager to start practice back up and afraid of all my hard work being erased. Quite the contrary. I think that by giving myself that week's rest (peppered with 3 classes), it allowed me to progess furthur in my practice. And although I commend everyone in their 30, 60, 90-day, etc. challenges, I need to listen to my body.

But things are good again. I'm learning new stuff in class everyday and tweaking poses all the time. I found an awesome studio in Raleigh, NC that I will practice at. It's not 100% Bikram, but they follow the same teachings. In fact, I kind of like to more because the teacher's are given more freedom with their dialogue. They can say more about the postures. I learned a lot there and I am planning/hoping to do my teacher training there in July :) And my amazing boyfriend said he would help me out with the costs. It is expensive, but not nearly as expensive as the Bikram training. Maybe someday though..

fav postures today: dandayamana-dhanurasana, padangustasana, ustrasana
least fav: trikanasana,

I've been reading a lot in the forums of www.hotyogadoctor.com and I love it! I really want to buy her masterclass manual and DVDs which seem totally awesome from what I've read and heard. It is $200 though, probably worth it, but as a person about to make a major move and change in my life...I cannot afford it.



  1. Congrats on finishing the 30 day challenge! That's quite an accomplishment :-)

  2. thank you! it was a great way for me to jump into Bikram. can't live without it now :P
